Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rambling starts now...

It's nearly midnight, and all is not quiet in the house. My baby refuses to sleep in his bed, claming there are monsters in his room. So instead of torture him with an hour of crying followed by a restless sleep, he is up with me. What is it about the night time when the family (excluding one tonight) is fast aleep that makes me want to stay up late? I think that it has something to do with the still of the night. All is busy in the house the moment the sun starts to creep over the mountains. Volunteering at the kids school, piano lessons, dance lessons, workout routines, dishes in the sink, dishes in the dishwasher, dinner to be made, toys to clean up, baby to be taught, piles of neverending can see where I'm going with this. I am in no way complaining. I love my family and being a mommy, in fact I don't know what I would be if I didn't have my children. It's just by the time everyone is asleep, and eventhough I'm completely exhausted, I need a little ME time. I don't mean to sound like I don't get to be myself durring the day, I just like the quiet time to - finish a book - watch a "chickflick" - or just lay on the couch and think. I have, infact, finished many books in the middle of the night. Which sometimes keeps me awake even longer since I insist on reviewing the entire plot over again in my head before sleep even comes. This may end up just being a one night ramble, but I hope that it is not. I have a lot in my head, so maybe this will be the way that I can start to organize my thoughts. We'll see...

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